Happy New Year! 'Tis the season to examine our progress over the last year and make resolutions for the new year. Many people make resolutions with good intentions but fail to follow through in the long run. Why is this? Perhaps it is because the resolutions are not realistic. Maybe some people do not have a way to hold themselves accountable to their resolutions. Here are a few simple ways to make those resolutions reality!
Write it down. The first step in making a resolution is to ensure you remember your goal! Post your resolution on the fridge, the bathroom mirror, in the car, even as a reminder in your phone! This will ensure you have not forgotten about your goals by the end of January! Be realistic. One of the biggest barriers to accomplishing our New Years' resolutions is not having a realistic goal. Losing 50lbs by your spring vacation may not be realistic. Choosing to exercise regularly and eat better will help you lose weight and feel better by the time you leave for your trip. Quitting smoking cold turkey may not be realistic for everyone. Choosing to use a cessation aid (i.e. nicotine gum or prescription medication from your doctor) may help get you started on a realistic plan to quit. If you aren't sure how to make your specific goal realistic, you might want to do some research. Read about the topic and talk to your friends, family, doctor or therapist for help! Baby steps. Keeping resolutions and meeting goals is all about action steps and meeting smaller daily, weekly and monthly goals. What specific steps do you need to take to achieve weight loss, improved health, better relationships, debt reduction or any other resolution you have chosen? Break it down, write it out and get started! Accountability. You don't have to do this alone! Talk with your loved ones about your resolution. Is there some way they can aid in the process? Don't be shy, ask them to help! Some resolutions may require professional help from a financial planner, personal trainer, doctor or therapist. The sooner you get your team of helpers into place, the sooner you will be on your way to meeting your goals. Do you, your child, teenager or family have resolutions but need help putting them into action? Bethany can help! Give her a call at 720-722-0527, email her or fill out the contact form to get started today! 6/7/2016 04:19:55 am
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